
Camp CoBeAc Fundraisers

The DoorKeepers annual trip to Camp CoBeAc is only one month away.  We have ten young people who earned their way this year by completing their AWANA work.  They still need to raise some funds for transportation costs and scholarships.  You can make a donation at the lunch they provide on Youth Sunday, June 7, at a car wash they sponsor, or by designated gift in the offering plate.  This is a great opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these young people.

Summertime Youth Study

The DoorKeepers, our group for young people in the 7th—12th grades, will be having a summer kickoff, outreach event this Friday, May 22.  Invite any young people who need to be a part of this group.  In addition to other activities, we will be showing the movie God’s Not Dead as an introduction to our summer Bible study series from True U—Does God Exist?: Building the Scientific Case.  If you can help provide food for this event, see Bethany.


Congratulation to Angie Porter, daughter of our missionaries to Nigeria, Dr. & Mrs. Steve Porter.  Angie graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BSN in Nursing from Indiana Wesleyan University on April 24.
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